Jacob E. Manch Elementary Thunderbirds

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Manch Elementary is a Positive Behavior Interventions and Support's (PBIS) school. We also support the Multi-tiered Systems and Supports (MTSS) philosophy with the district. We are Tier 1, Cohort 1, implementing positive classroom and schoolwide support in a variety of ways to promote student success at Manch ES. Through data, our leadership[ team and teachers can make decisions that act as a continual way to identify and modify programs ta=hat support student achievement.


As Manch ES promotes PBIS, our school can effectively teach appropriate behaviors, intervene early, use research-based methods of intervention, monitor student behavior, use data for decision-making,and continue to promote student achievement throughout our school.


PBIS and MTSS aree new initiatives promoted in CCSD to keep our students in school and on the right toward college and career-readiness. We have had great success so far with our students and look forward to the continued growth as our students learn te necessary behaviors and interventions to be productive citizens at our school and in society.


Check out more information on PBIS and how you can support your kids at Manch ES. https://www.pbis.org/